Dear Friends,
Hello there. I hope that you were able to read my personal update that I sent in early December. I wanted to let you all know that during this time when I am technically not doing my regular Substack work due to illness/recovery, I’ve decided to write and send out a Sunday letter each week to paid subscribers. It’s just an informal thing, like a letter between friends. Here are the letters from January 5th, January 12th, a P.S. with a video of a man playing a flaming tuba, and January 19th.
I’m proud of what I have built here on Substack over the past 4+ years and I don’t want to let it all slip away due to less than ideal life circumstances. So I’m sharing updates, thoughts, and observations in a more intimate and less formal capacity for the time being—every week, whatever I can manage. After the first one, I started adding drawings as well, so these Sunday dispatches will be part letter from a friend, part sketchbook diary. So far there is lively activity in the comments as well, for which I am very grateful.
If you’ve subscribed in the past but stopped due to the pause in posts, I just wanted to let you know that I’m sending out these weekly offerings until I can return to the previous schedule of essays, notebook entries, Essay Camp, workshop, etc. I still have the old minimum annual subscription price of $30 grandfathered in, so there’s that too. Even if letters are all I manage to do this year (and I really hope that won’t be the case!) it works out to just 57 cents apiece. That’s 16 cents cheaper than a US first class postage stamp, if you can believe it. A bargain!
I’m writing this on January 20th, so it’s a weird day for America, and a strange time for the world in general. I hope that I’ll be able to return to my usual programming soon. In the meantime, if you haven’t already, I hope you’ll subscribe to my letters so that we can keep in touch.
Yours truly,