For a person who writes that she feels tangled up, what a graceful way to write about something so difficult. Wishing you health and strength -- and sending so much gratitude for this detail about the short-story dispenser which is truly genius.

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As someone with an autoimmune disease, solidarity. Also? Rest, rest, rest.

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I hope you will submit this essay to the dispenser!

I understand why it was hard for you to share news. This might sound hyperbolic, but as one who suffers from chronic pain, what is oftentimes worse than the pain is what happens after I tell someone: the advice they offer, their presumption that after ten years of suffering, I hadn't already thought of or tried their proposed remedy, and their judgments about its underlying emotional, spiritual, postural, or astrological cause. Anyway, your talent is a gift from god. And I am an atheist. I know you will soldier on! xo

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Oh gosh, all of this, right??

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That short story dispenser is genius. Thank you for sharing that, and I'm sorry that it meant disclosing something you'd been meaning to keep private. Wishing you all the best.

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Thanks. It's like, how do you call in sick to work on Substack?

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Thank you so much for sharing this. I continue to admire and appreciate your guidance and example as a writer and workshop leader. Take good care of yourself!

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P.s. I’ve been writing almost every day, thanks to the beautiful structure that you have created for us these past months. So much gratitude for that…

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Thank you for sharing your update. I was wondering. You've built a community here. We can pray, hope for the best while we await the next project at your desired pace. All the best and again, thanks for sharing.

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So, so sorry to learn this news but what a wonderful way you tied it in with the tale of the story dispenser. Grateful you found the medical professional to help you (I went through a period of continual misdiagnoses for a year with one telling me what turned out to be a brain tumor was probably menopause). The right doctor I pray will put you on the path to health again. Sending you all my most powerful hopes for a great outcome. You're an incredible writer & I'm truly looking forward to your next book--what I know if it tells me it will be riveting. Thank you for the chats we had this year; you shared great writerly advice that I've been profiting from daily.

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I love the short story dispenser, that's such a lovely thing :) I'm glad you've shared this, though I'm sorry for the discomfort in doing so. It helps me understand and appreciate you as a writer more, and I experience this understanding as a gift.

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Thank you for your courage and openness. I can see it was hard to disclose this. We truly care about you, Summer! Please put your health first. We will still love you after short breaks and long breaks, and if your presence and activity look different over time. Sending hugs and a wish for your full and swift recovery. X

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Sending sympathy for your pain and fear, and admiration for your determination and your honesty. I know you don't want a ton of comments, nor any pity - but I felt the need to write because you hit upon something here that has been at the crux of my writing/social media posting anxiety/paralysis over the years: how to share and continue to write without siloing different parts of my life and experiences. I think this is a very hard thing to figure out, but as you pointed out, the only way is to be open about it so we can write about our whole selves. I often stop myself from posting because one observation in my day might necessitate mentioning another aspect I'd rather not get in, but I will take your short story machine cue from now on! Thank you for sharing.

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Oh shit, Summer - take care of yourself and rest. We’ll all be here for you.

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Oh, we have those short story dispensers here in Oakland too! I first saw them at the Oakland Airport, then also at the Fruitvale BART station. The thing is they’re very inconspicuous, so you have to look out for them. And yes, they’re quite magical.

Sending some good wishes and cheer your way. I do hope that the correct diagnosis brings better treatment and more relief for you.

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What we carry all by ourselves is astonishing to me. I am so happy to see you again here and so very glad you felt able to share this burden with us, and I hope it feels lesser now, and a bit lighter. It was the perfect place to share it, and I am honored to hold it, along side my endless admiration for you as a writer. xx

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I *love* the short story dispenser! <3 Thank you!

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Summer--I'm so sorry you've been going through all this stress. I appreciate how hard it is to share your private information. Now that you have a doctor who understands what's going on, I hope your health improves. (((Hugs)))

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