In 2016, his election was one of the last straws; I hit rock bottom a few months later, went to treatment and have been sober ever since. I just got off the phone with a sponsee who attempted suicide the day after the 2016 election, and we talked about how far he's come since then. So I know that "God works in mysterious ways," and I'm largely reconciled to that. At this point, it's the American people I wish I understood.

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I wish I understood them, also. I can't fathom how millions of people could vote for him. It's just unbelievable.

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Thank you for ushering the courage to write anything. It is very helpful. Community is what saves us mere mortals.

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The feeling of devastation here in the States is immense. Well, let me correct that. Some of us are feeling devastation, not all of us. More than anything right now, I'm reminded of the sensation in the wake of the Sept 11 attacks, like my gut has fallen through to the floor, and there is no steady ground to stand on. But the big difference is we were all feeling it together then. Now, half the country feels something like this, the other half celebrates. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.

But that grain of sand... yes, that grain... thank you for that memory and image. I also take heart in learning from Indigenous people I know whose ancestors have been through this and worse for much longer. Their resistance and resilience is a thing to behold. We can learn, we can grow. I'm here for it.

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Right now there’s a lot of us crying because we feel like we are watching Artax the horse sink into the mud.

Energy is always being transformed- never completely destroyed. We will find a way.

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Thank you for sharing this brief, poignant image and message of hope. -- much needed this morning. I appreciate the reference to the Never Ending Story ~ so apropos. Perfect, really.

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Thank you for writing this. I don’t understand anything the way I thought I did, but I’m grateful for these early words.

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Thank you for writing this, putting my own feelings into words on this bleak Noveber day.

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lines from Auden's poem September 1, 1939, that I'm really feeling today (it's a long and wonderful poem if you don't know it https://poets.org/poem/september-1-1939)

"There is no such thing as the State

And no one exists alone;

Hunger allows no choice

To the citizen or the police;

We must love one another or die."

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Yeah. I really feel this one. I have no idea now what to say.

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I feel this brokenness too. I often find myself wondering if it is just me, a brokenness inside me, but reading your words helps me to think maybe my instincts are right after all, that the world is off balance right now. I have such an urge to do whatever I can about it but I have no idea,what!

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And we will keep the ember burning, and we will nurture love and light in our world, they will always be stronger than darkness. And we will be kind to ourselves and one another, though our simple, open-hearted actions, thoughts, prayers and words we will turn the circle back into joy once again.

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On a day when I find myself very short on words, I appreciate yours.

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Thank you. I feel the same right now. But life will go on and we have to keep moving forward. When I pulled my card for the day, it said focus on what you want, not what you fear. I am trying.

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I’m wishing on that grain of sand. I can do that. Surely.

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Thank you Summer! You found the perfect image. This is why we need art. Imagination, creativity, beauty, to soothe and inspire us. We can't let them bury it.

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Summer, thank you for these words.

Truthfully, your contributions to FourFiftyOne in 2016 were a lifeline for me.

It was the first thing I heard that gave me any sense of hope and made me feel less alone.

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