Oct 22, 2023Liked by Summer Brennan

Yes please. I'm in Paris for two weeks at the beginning of November with the goal of fleshing out a short essay series I've had in mind for a while, so this would be so perfect. Like Isabel below I've followed you for a while but could never do essay camp before. Thank you!

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Oh this is excellent. Maybe those of us in Paris (although I don't think there are that many?) could even organize an in-person writing meet-up or something. Who knows! Glad you're on board!

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Summer Brennan

Wish I still were!

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Me too!

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If you do this, I am also here and would love to join :) But otherwise, will take part virtually!

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This is good to know! Planning a meet up is exactly the kind of over-extension that I'm so good at, so I may have to play it by ear, depending on how the manuscript is going, but in theory I love this.

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Haha, completely fair-- do not over-extend yourself! You are doing enough!

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by Summer Brennan

Hello! Isi here hailing from Spain. I've followed you almost since you started and I've always wanted to participate in essay camp, but it took me a long time to be back to writing. This year I feel strong enough to accept the 5-day challenge 🥰

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That is so great! 🙌

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I’m planning for NaNoWriMo this year but I’ll see if I can use this to start that-- TBD and thx!

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Bravo for taking on the NaNoWriMo beast! I wish you many words, and good ones.

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Summer, I’ve followed you here for awhile and admire your beautiful writing. I’d love to join for this.

Love the five sentences idea too.

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Thank you! I found that even just writing five sentences a day can achieve something, even if some of them are only one word!

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Yes! I am returning to the states from Iceland and will be primed to write!

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by Summer Brennan

Yes! I'm in.

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I have too many things to do but sometimes that means it’s a good time to carve out space for creativity.

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I am a big advocate of doing a "five sentences a day" version of this. One word sentences count too.

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by Summer Brennan

I love and adore your Essay Camp posts, and would take them in any quantity you are willing to provide. They are always such high-quality, inspirational, hopeful, and helpful posts. I appreciate your work in this space, and am glad you have taken time to prioritize your health and are on the mend! Thank you, and I'm all in!

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This is so kind of you to say. I do put a lot of effort into them, and felt bad that I wasn't up to doing that over the summer. I hope for the spring session I can have an updated reading selection at least!

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by Summer Brennan

I love this idea, Summer, I'll definitely join in and thank you for offering these. Little non-overwhelming, short-term with the option of making it more long-term things like this really help me out of a creative rut when I've tried for too long to get myself out and am at that point of not knowing where next to turn- even if it's not long before I stumble into another rut and need to cast around for someone else dangling an ivy rope for me to grasp, each little offering like this is a stepping stone, or a pebble, in a better direction.

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I feel exactly the same way w/r/t those little ruts. It's what I do for myself when I get into them, but it's just so much easier if someone else can help you with it! The creative life is, I think, more or less a cycle of ruts!

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by Summer Brennan

And it's always helpful to hear that, thank you :) a lifetime of highs and lows, wanting to pack it in, stepping away, feeling refreshed, then dipping back in and out like that ad infinitum! And maybe even periods of time of it being too hard to keep up with and needing to take longer breaks, change paths for a while etc

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by Summer Brennan

I’m in!

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by Summer Brennan

I’m new here and not sure how this works but want to know more and very interested in participating.

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Thanks Amy! I will send out more info on Tuesday. Similar to NaNoWriMo, it's a communal exercise to get people writing. I send out an email every day for five days with some suggested writing and reading assignments, and people use the opportunity to write. It's been fun in the past!

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Sounds perfect.

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Summer Brennan

I’m in! Looking forward to it!

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Sounds good to me!

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Summer Brennan

Yes please! I failed to complete the last essay camp (the messiness of life etc etc) and have been really looking forward to the next round, so this is perfect - especially a toned down version!

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The messiness of life indeed! My constant, constant foe. One toned-down version, coming up xo

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Summer Brennan

Great idea!!! I’ve been thinking on the lines of getting as much nonfiction writing (as in head down get the writing on the page) done as possible in November so this is perfect for me!!

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Excellent, me too. And thank you.

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